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Suresh Chandra Sharma
Mr. Suresh Chandra Sharma is a renowned entrepreneur in the field of education and publication industry. He is the founder of the well known “Neelkamal Publications” Delhi-Hyderabad, which has emerged as a force to reckon with in the field of publishing by bringing out books that are setting new standards in the highly competitive publishing . He has extended his services for the print media by bringing out two journals namely, Edutracks which focuses on improving the teaching skills and strategies of the teachers for better quality education and JCGR which emphasises on Community Guidance, Research and Development. Both these journals have set a trend for the teaching fraternity and policy makers not only in India but also in Afro Asian countries.
Apart from his profession, he also takes keen interest in providing his services for the deprived by conducting Education and Poor Feeding on a large scale. He has been constantly supporting the Home For the Disabled and other NGO’s. He is currently the convener of Health Care International which is an organization which recognizes the services of the doctors and gives them the ‘Best Doctor’s Awards’ which takes place every 1st of July being the doctors day. His concern for the betterment of the people has triggered a desire within him to create a trust under whose name services can be provided for a better living of the underprivileged.