Suresh Chandra Sharma

Suresh Chandra Sharma: A Visionary
The mention of the phrase successful entrepreneur conjures up visions of profit and wealth, which of course are not to be abhorred. True businesses and firms need profit to be sustained. But profit alone should not be the driving force or mantra of any successful venture. Being a part of the society that they operate in, businesses need to be conscious of the fact that their profits or wealth are contributed by the society that they intend to serve and should draw up strategies to pay back to the society that has generously contributed to their success. Of course, there are very few entrepreneurs who take it upon themselves the task of achieving such a goal.
One such entrepreneur who took upon himself the task of paying back to the society is Suresh Chandra Sharma, Managing Director of Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. who has become a trendsetter in the field of publishing thanks to his passion for publishing quality books.
Today, Sharma is a leading publisher of not only of textbooks for the colleges of education in the country but also of reference books in various disciplines like Psychology and English Language. The awards that he received for publishing quality books speak volumes of his passion for quality as he firmly believes that books play a crucial role in the shaping and molding of qualitative teachers who are the need of the hour.
Qualitative Human Capital or Resource plays an important role in the development of a country be it economic, social or spiritual. And such Qualitative Human Capital or Resource can be produced only with the help of good and effective teachers who are conscious of their responsibilities towards the nation. To put it succinctly, it is the quality of the teachers that shapes the development of a country. The quality of the teachers is in turn determined by the teaching material that is accessible to them. It is here that Sharma plays a decisive role in providing quality books to the prospective teachers and contributes to the development of the nation. Apart from textbooks and reference books, Sharma also publishes two quality journals to keep the teachers abreast with the emerging trends in education viz. EDUTRACKS a monthly journal that tracks the trends in education, and Journal of Community Guidance and Research, a quarterly Multi-Disciplinary journal that features the developments in Psychology and Education.
In short, Sharma is a visionary whose contributions deserved to be recognised.